
Ride 21

Mighty Mofo

Going UP

Serk Cycling Beijing


A : 110km
B : 100km
C : 060km


A : 2000m
B : 1500m+
C : 1000m


A : 4/5
B : 4/5
C : 4/5


Saturday July 28
Check-in : 05:30
Depart Serk : 06:00
Arrive Start : 07:15
Return Earliest : 13:30
Return Latest : 15:30



This is a fest of going up a hill (or some hills) We have the tallest of Beijing on the offer. For Group A and B, you'll tackle the Tanwang Road climb before even getting to the bottom of the Mofo.

A riders will do the entire 21km climb up to the top of Miaofengshan;

B riders will do the first bit of B and go off of the main road onto a concrete road that leads to nowhere (but fun) and then drop back down and going back to finish the ride;

C riders will be driven to the start of the climb and do the entire 21km of the Miaofengshan climb -- the slopes of Miaofengshan are not particularly steep and we'll have plenty of time to take in the beauty of climbing.

这周的骑行应该说是一个上坡嘉年华了 - 我们不仅仅包括北京最高的妙峰山,而且还为A,B组多加了谭王路 -- 在开始妙峰山之前已经会累计将近1000米的爬升了。




Route Details 路线细节

Ride Registration - van space currently full, wait list available - contact JJ

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