
Serk Sunday 

Beginner Program 



Serk Cycling Beijing


D: 40km
E: up to 30km


D: 0663 m
E: 0300 m


D: 2/5
E: 1/5


Sunday, April 1
Sign in/Coffee : 07:00
Depart Serk : 07:30
Arrive Start : 08:30
Return Earliest : 11:30
Return Latest : 12:30


Sunday : Changping

Serk is introducing a beginner cycling program on the first Sunday of every Month for 2018.

Why Ride in Beijing?

Beijing is a great place to go cycling. We believe it has some of the best cycling terrains close to a major city anywhere in the world. There are quiet roads with spectacular scenery, fresh air, nature and of course that Great Wall.

Why Join Serk Ride Beginner Program?

Our new beginner cycling program is aimed at helping you fall in love with cycling. We want to show you how amazing cycling is for fitness - physical and mental. We also want to help you explore a Beijing you never knew existed. You'll also make a bunch of awesome friends along the way.

So what are you waiting for? Come and give Serk Ride a shot and let us show you why so many members of our club live for Serk Ride on the weekends!

What is the ride formula?

These rides will be beginner-focused and suitable for anyone that can ride a bike : 

1. The courses are short and won't have too much climbing;

2. You'll ride on the quietest roads we can find in Beijing and be accompanied by a Serk ride leader;

3. We offer advice to beginners to help you simplify the seemingly complicated world of cycling (clothing choices, how to use gears properly, fixing flat tyres for example)

4. We’ll limit the size of the group and provide optional 1-on-1 sessions with Serk Cycling experts to provide tailored advice on cycling.

5. We'll make sure you enjoy yourself and that you don't go out of your comfort zone. We'll have a support vehicle in case anything goes wrong.

6. Fun! We love cycling and we love sharing our passion with other riders. This ride is going to be fun!

Who are the Serk Experts?

Liman - Liman grew up in Beijing knows the roads like the back of her hand. She is the co-founder of Serk Cycling so she also knows bikes. Ask her how to change a tyre in a jiffy or adjust your headset. Better still ask her about women's bike fit and her global search for the ultimate small wheel bike.

Shannon - Fell off his bike using clipless pedals for the first time in the 1980's (he was using the first generation of clipless pedals back then). The last time he fell off his bike with clipless pedals was in Feb 2018. He has a lot of experience in all things cycling - from racing bikes at the elite level in China through to riding bikes in a Panda suit in Europe. 

JJ - Has been teaching rowing from beginner rowers to high-performance U23 level athletes. Lifetime cyclist and an all-around positive guy. Ask him anything about getting fitter, faster and how to eat correctly on the bike.


To kick off beginner cycling programme - we have a special offer for non-Serk members. 

300 RMB. This offer is limited to your first time on a Serk Beginner Ride.

350 RMB. Beginner Ride plus 1-on-1 session. 

500 RMB.  Beginner Ride plus Bike Hire

550 RMB. Beginner Ride plus Bike Hire plus 1-on-1 session. 

Special membership offer - Sign up for a full Serk Ride membership (details here) on the same day as your Beginner ride and receive a free upgrade to Serk Gold Membership (effectively an additional 10% off).

Sign Up Here: