
Serk Sunday

"Chilly" Ride

chill + hilly

Serk Cycling Beijing

Distance 距离

E: 40km

climbing 爬升

E: 400 m

Time 时间

Sunday 星期天                          2018.8.19
Sign in/Coffee 集合/咖啡:             06:00
Depart Serk 出发时间:                   06:30
Arrive Start 开始骑行:                    08:00
Return Earliest 最早返回:             11:30
Return Latest 最晚返回:                12:30

location 地点

Miyun 密云

Looking for an alternative way to unwind from a busy work week? Join the Serk Sunday chill ride - take the Serk van Sunday morning to the Beijing mountains - then start your exploration on two wheels!

We will do an out and back along the scenic reservoir roads in Miyun.

What is the chill ride formula? 

These rides will be leisurely and suitable for anyone who can ride a bike looking to explore the great Beijing mountains/ anyone who's looking for a more relaxed pace of riding. It is a great way to introduce a friend of partner to the magic of cycling in Beijing.

1. The courses are short and won't have too much climbing - we do it at chill pace (we'll have several different routes on rotation throughout the season);

2. You'll ride on the quietest roads we can find in Beijing and be accompanied by a Serk ride leader;

3. Fun! This ride is about getting out there, talking to your old/new friends and having fun. We try to design the route so that there's chilled beer/iced-coffee/ice-cream stops at some point.

什么是"Chill Ride"?




2)我们有Serk的领骑带着你, 可以解除疑难;

3)最重要的是,我们的骑行会很有乐趣 - “Chill Ride"最重要的就是让你认识新的朋友,以及和老朋友共享欢乐时光,有说有笑的在大自然中骑行。在设计路线的时候,我们争取在途中/结束的时候有喝咖啡/啤酒/吃冰激淋的地方。


Special membership offer - Sign up for a full Serk Ride membership (details here) on the same day as your ride and receive a free upgrade to Serk Gold Membership (effectively an additional 10% off).

特别会员折扣 - 如果在本次骑行当天成为Serk会员,可以免费升级到金卡级别(相当于另外一个10%的折扣)。

Route Detail 线路细节

Registration 注册

Sign Up Here 注册