Each week we send out a detailed GPS route of the course.
Garmin Devices
Even the most basic Garmin have the ability to display TCX routes. Later models will show you the route on a map and earlier cheaper models just show a breadcrumb trail and your location.
Follow these steps to put the Serk routes onto your device ;
- All the routes can be found here - https://www.serk.cc/serk-routes/. Go to this page and double click on the link for this weeks ride (note : check the date is correct).
- A zip file will download to your computer. Open it up. Inside you will find 3 files - one for each ride (Beginner, Intermediate, Elite)
- Plug your Garmin into your computer with a USB cord.
- The Garmin device should come up on your desktop. Open the folder and navigate to the “New Files” directory Garmin/Garmin/NewFiles
- Copy the .tcx’s file you just downloaded into this folder. If you are not sure which route you will do put all three in.
- Eject the Garmin device
- Navigate to courses on your Garmin and the Course map should be there. The name will correspond with the file name of the .tcx file.
- On older Garmin devices you may need to use Garmin Training Centre to “send” the course to the unit.
Below is a video which takes you through the process - https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ4OTgyNjMwNA==.html?spm=a2hzp.8253869.0.0