
Serk Cycling Beijing


Ride 400km in 7 days
Run 100km in 7 days


Anywhere you are this CNY


Monday 4th -
Sunday 10th
Feb 2019

The Firecracker 400 is back !
The idea is simple - Spring has arrived (well according to Chinese tradition and not the temps outside) so its time to dust off your bike and get stuck into your 2018 season.

Serk challenge you to ride 400km or run 100km over the 7 days of Chinese New Year. You can do 4 x 100km / 7 x 57km / or whatever configuration works for you provided you get to the 400km / 100km by the end of the Chinese New Year.

Each finisher of the Firecracker 400 challenge will receive a limited edition Firecracker 400 stem cap from Serk. Throughout the season as you put the hammer down on the climbs you can look down at that stem cap and be proud that you started the season off in style !

So get a firecracker up your a^%e and start planning your rides !


This year we are teaming up Laowai Trail Runners and adding a running version - run 100km!

We are also making it a little harder for those of you participating from warmer climates and making us in Beijing jealous with your glorious photos of warm weather. If the average temp of your location is 16 degrees or over only 80% of kilometres count towards your total. So you'll need to ride 500km or run 125km to complete the Firecracker.

We will also be spontaneously awarding bonus kilometre upgrades for those that face particular hardships or get creative with your rides or runs. Ride a vintage bike for 25% bonus. Snow ride 25%. Ride with the kids for 100% bonus.

Rules :

  • Indoor rides only count if AQI is over 150
  • For your ride to qualify you must post a screen grab of the ride (from strava or your computer) with distance included to your WeChat moments. You also need to post an image from the ride and the Firecracker 400 logo below along with the hashtag #Serkfirecracker400 (use #serkfirecracker100 if you are running). When you post the moment please mention @shannon山龙SerkCycling so we register your kilometres in our database.
  • Join the group with the QR code below to follow the action and hear about organised rides.
  • If you are participating in the Firecracker from some warm sunny place and making us jealous with all your short sleeve, beach and ice cream photos then only 80% of your kilometres count. We define warm as anything over 16 degrees average temperature
  • If you'd like a spontaneous kilometre upgrade post your creative ride/run or hardship and description on your moments as above and our event jury will work out the upgrade amount

This is a great way to kick start your season and start getting into shape before our official rides in the mountains start on Feb 23rd.

If you are in Beijing we've organised 3 group brunch rides to help tick off the kilometres ;

Wednesday Feb 6th Hulu lunch
Meet at Serk 60 or 100km ride 10.00am
Finish at Hulu (we can bring bikes inside the restaurant) 13.30-14.30

Friday Feb 8th Obentos Grand Summit lunch
Meet at Serk 60 or 100km ride 10.00am
Finish at Obentos (park bikes outside the restaurant) 13.30-14.30

Sunday Feb 10th Jing A
Meet at Serk 60 or 100km ride 10.00am
Finish at Jing A (park bikes outside the restaurant) 13.30-14.30


Please note your  stem cap can be collected from Serk in Beijing after completing the challenge. We can also post it to you if outside of Beijing at your cost.

Firecracker 400 Logo


Official WeChat Group Chat QR code


Stem cap for all that finish the 400km challenge


How your moments post should look

How your moments post should look.

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