
Ride 3

Miyun You

around the lake

Serk Cycling Beijing


A : 100km
B : 81km
C : 52km


A : 1155m
B : 1200m
C : 0835m


A : 3/5
B : 3/5
C : 2/5


Saturday Feb 25
Sign in/Coffee : 07:30
Depart Serk : 08:00
Arrive Start : 09:30
Return Earliest : 13:30
Return Latest : 16:30




Last weeks ride was a real blast. Everyone was smiling ear to ear after the first real ride in the mountains. This week is our first ride in Miyun which is a Serk favourite. The A ride do a nice long loop around the entire Miyun Lake while B and C group will travel along the Western side. C and B group will see the Great Wall up close - which is perfect at this time of the year before it is overgrown with greenery.

If you still haven't signed up for a pass yet all the detail is here. If you sign up for a 15 ride pass by the end of Feb you'll receive a free personalised emergency contact band.

Ride Registration