Serk Cycling Beijing
Why lactate testing:
Endurance training is essentially blood training. (Hence why doping is always associated with blood, EPO for example...)
Lactate testing is the most accurate way to assess where you are in terms of aerobic fitness (ie. blood fitness) - as your fitness progresses, you can ride longer at a given effort level (wattage), or you can push out more watts (going faster) at a given perceived effort level.
What is it:
- we put you on a stationary cycling trainer and you go at a certain wattage for a certain amount of time;
- we gradually ramp up the intensity and through each ramp, we extract blood sample from you (small amount) and test the blood lactate level at this effort level;
- the test will go on until you fail (rest assured, that is not going to take that long, and you'll know it...) and we extract the last blood sample for your maximum aerobic power lactate.
How is it done:
- a standard ramp protocol for testing;
- graph your blood lactate level at a given wattage (we will extract between 5-10 data points from the test);
- according to your blood lactate level we can then devise your proper training zones according to wattage and heart rate;
Time commitment:
- from start to finish 90 minutes
- 1000 RMB/test, you will likely need to do this test every 4 weeks to every 3 months depending on what the training program asks for.
- If you need proper coaching from SERK, visit this page.
What to bring:
- cycling kit: base-layer, bibs and jersey, shoes and your own towel;
- your bike;
- change of clothes after you are done.