

  • Firecracker Correction Form

    ONLY FILL THIS FORM OUT IF THE DATA IN THE SUMMARY PDF IS NOT CORRECT. This year we trialled a new system for logging the km. Many of you had difficulty with the complexity so we created this form for you to correct any errors on the summary PDF posted in the group. For this to work you must PUT IN KM FOR EACH DAY you rode. Even if only one day has an error in the PDF you need to still input your exact km for each day. If you incorrectly selected your location (Warm or cold climate) you can also correct this at the bottom of the form AND you also need to put in the km for each day again. We know its a pain however there are over 300 athletes and 7 days of entries = over 2100 data points. Please help us to sort out your data carefully and precisely so we can get on with collecting the pledges and getting bikes to Masaka ready for the start of their race season!
  • No spaces, no hyphen, no +. Please ensure this is the same number you signed up with and the same number you use to fill in your km each day. We use this number to look up and populate your records. 电话号码里全是数字,不要有符号字母。我们用电话号识别个人。
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • input 0 if no kilometres ridden that day
  • Select one of the following averages. If you select under 10 degrees we will consider it a cold climate and therefore to achieve the firecracker you needed 400km (ride) 100km (Run) 40km (walk). If you select over 10 degrees then you are considered in a warm climate and needed to do 20% extra to complete the challenge 500km (ride) 125km (run) 40km (walk)
  • If you have the energy and want to tell something about the ride or the Challenge! 如果你还有精力,可以告诉我们你的骑行和挑战经历。