
Sunday May 8th – Beginner & Intermediate Ride

It’s the second Sunday of the month so its time for the Beginners ride ! Seeing as there is no regular Saturday ride this week (due to the Beijing Sportive Event) we will also add in an Intermediate / Elite option for those that have time on Sunday.
Beginners Ride.
New to road cycling or not feeling confident to ride with the main Serk Saturday ride ?
Our Beginners Training Rides on the 2nd Sunday of the month are an excellent introduction to the glorious world of road cycling in Beijing.  We take you out to a quiet road and plan a simple route. Its fun to join and not too difficult. We have support riders to look after you and cheer you on up the hills. Its chance to have a go at cycling without the pressure of being left behind or being too slow. During each ride we will also teach you some of the basic skills required to ride in a group and to help improve your fitness and speed on the bike. In no time you’ll be ready to ride with our regular Saturday rides.
Intermediate / Elite Ride.
See details below. Elite riders can do the Intermediate route and add on an extra climb towards Sihai for more distance and difficulty.
If you don’t have a bike we can also help you out with our special Hire and Ride package (600RMB) which is aimed at making it easy for new riders to try out cycling before committing to buying their own bike.
We organise a van to transport riders and bikes out of the city. If you have your own vehicle you are welcome to join by driving yourself.
All riders are required to fill the form below (including self drive) by Friday morning.
* indicates required field


Departure Time :
07.00 Serk.  Arrive at 06.45 am to load bikes
Return Time : 14:30  Serk
1. Beginner Easy – 32km 
We’ve introduced a new category for Beginners – The ‘Beginner Easy Ride’. This is primarily for riders that are attempting their first ride in Beijing’s mountains. The route is shorter and has less climbing than other routes. If you are new to road biking and this is your first ride we recommend choosing this option. If it’s too easy for you then next time select a harder group. This is much better than overestimating your abilities and choosing a route that is above your current capabilities and slowing the rest of the group down. It’s all about taking it step by step !
The ride starts in Huairou and travels up past the APEC area. You tun left at the big red building and start coasting down hill towards the Hongluo Temple. A short uphill followed by more downhill. You join the road heading towards Mutianyu. The rest of the riders will turn left for extra climbing – at this point you turn back and retrace your ride.
Ride leaders : Morten
Average Speed : 15 km/h – 20 km/h


2. Beginner Moderate – 48km  495m climbing
The ride starts in Huairou and travels up past the APEC area. You tun left at the big red building and start coasting down hill towards the Hongluo Temple. A short uphill followed by more downhill. You join the road heading towards Mutianyu. Turn left onto a nice back road through some villages and along a small creek. A few little climbs await before you pop back on the main Mutianyu – Bohai Road. From here its a long uphill grind to the Mutianyu Roundabout. From here you enjoy a long downhill before another short short climb back past the Hongluo Temple and back to the start point.
Average Speed : 15 km/h – 20 km/h
Ride leaders : Liman
3. Intermediate – 82km  approx 600m  of climbing
Follow the same route at the Beginner above. Instead of turning right towards Mutianyu you turn left towards Bohai. Then head up a steady climb to the tunnel. Fly down the other side and cruise past the Gas station at the Y intersection and along the S308.  After another tunnel (bring rear light) you make a sharp u turn to go back under the bridge and along the river on our regular Mutianyu route. From here you join back up with the X009 and retrace your route back. Elite riders can add an extra 20km and some more climbing by heading up to Sihai.
Average Speed : 20 km/h – 25 km/h
Ride leaders : Shannon
Every rider is required to read and accept this waiver by clicking on “yes” in the form above before participating in a Serk Ride.
If you have already signed up for a multi-ride pass you don’t need make any additional payment for this ride. If you haven’t you can sign up for a multi-ride pass here or just purchase a 1 ride pass for the day. Our vehicles have limited seats so preference first goes to multi-ride pass holders and then those that pre-pay the 1 ride pass.
To pre-pay on Wechat please extract the following QR Code by pressing on it using your smartphone and then select “Extract QR code” You will be taken to a we chat payment page to make the 350 RMB payment.

For self-drive please extract the following QR Code by pressing on it using your smartphone and then select “Extract QR code” You will be taken to a we chat payment page to make the 50 RMB payment.
Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy
Please read our Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy Carefully here.
Once you have signed up for the ride we will add you to special group chat for the Saturday ride. During the ride we will use this group for communication and also its the place you can share photos post ride.