
Dec 10th – FYA Ride 3

FYA Ride ? You guessed it. Freeze Your Arse Off Ride 3.
Yes winter is very much here and its brutal outside. But damn it that will not stop us riding our bikes ! Last week we had perfect weather and rideable temps (5 – 11 degrees !).
This weeks ride is around Ming Tombs. We will start with a nice loop around the Ming Tombs Reservoir before heading over a medium climb and down towards Si Hai. We turn turn right before the climb to Sihai and head up a smaller climb towards Bohai area. We’ll turn around at the top and head back to the Ming Tombs.
All levels will do the same route. If you’d like an easier ride turn around sooner – harder ride do the whole distance !
All riders are required to fill the form below (including self drive) by Thursday evening.
* indicates required field


Departure Time :
08.00 Serk.  Arrive at 07.45 am to load bikes
Return Time : 13:30  Serk
1. Beginner / Intermediate / Elite – 1 route
Longest distance is 70km / shortest is 35km
Ride leaders : Liman + Shannon
Average Speed : 15 km/h – 30 km/h


Every rider is required to read and accept this waiver by clicking on “yes” in the form above before participating in a Serk Ride.
If you have already signed up for a multi-ride pass you don’t need make any additional payment for this ride. If you haven’t you can sign up for a multi-ride pass here or just purchase a 1 ride pass on the day. Our vehicles have limited seats so preference first goes to multi-ride pass holders and then those that pre-pay the 1 ride pass.
Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy
Please read our Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy Carefully here.
Once you have signed up for the ride we will add you to special group chat for the Saturday ride. During the ride we will use this group for communication and also its the place you can share photos post ride.