
Ride 3

Let Loose

in Liulimiao

Serk Cycling Beijing


A+ : 150km
A : 110km
B : 081km
C : 052km


A+ : 1800m
A : 2600m
B : 1550m
C : 0840m


A : 5/5
B : 4/5
C : 2/5


Saturday, April 18
Sign in: 06:00
Depart Serk : 06:30
Arrive Start : 08:00
Return Earliest : 14:30
Return Latest : 16:30



We are back and ready to ride in the mountains!

Because of COVID-19 restrictions we will run our rides a little differently to ensure the health and safety of all riders and the communities we are riding through. We will undertake the following ;

1. Vehicles will be disinfected prior to ride starting and prior to returning back to Beijing
2. We will limit the number of riders in each vehicle so riders are not packed too closely together
3. We will gather your data incase for potential contact tracing if required
4. Our loading and unloading process will be altered to ensure we do not gather all together in large numbers

We will utilise our Serk transit van and load bikes separately to riders. A, B and C riders will be requested to arrive for loading 10 minutes apart. After you load your bike you will be requested to immediately go into your designated vehicle. Riders will unload in the same order. This will not only improve efficiency but also allow us to keep within the current restrictions. Considering the recent negative press about foreigners gathering in large groups we hope you can understand these measures.

Riders will be requested to wear masks at all times and its a requirement that you have green status on the government health tracking apps.


Now onto the fun part - the ride!

We've selected Liulimiao as the start point. It's quiet out there and far enough away from busier meeting points. Many of the A riders have been riding big kilometres in the past weeks so we are offering an A+ option - a 150km ride all the way back into the city. The urban traffic is not back to full capacity so its a great time to take advantage of these longer rides. The A+ ride is not supported for simple mechanicals after the first 50km. Come prepared with tubes and tools in case of any issues.

The A, B and C rides are our regular Liulimiao loops. Awesome loops in one of our favourite riding areas.

You can now sign up for season membership here.

Due to the uncertainty of these times we have temporarily introduced a 4 ride pass at the same price per ride as the old 5 ride pass. We will also have a 10 ride pass option or a 1 ride option.


Look forward to seeing you all on the roads soon!


