
Ride 12


Serk Cycling Beijing


A : 114km
B  : 082km
C : 055km


A : 2447m
B : 1409m
C : 0828m


A : 4/5
B : 3/5
C : 2/5


Saturday July 18
Sign in : 06:00
Depart : 06:30
Arrive Start : 07:20
Return Earliest : 13:30
Return Latest : 15:30



Our second visit to the Baiyanggou area this season. Lootttssss of climbing and some great descending. What else would you expect ?

It's very close to Beijing so transit times are short.

A riders go up the main concrete road climb and loop on the southern road before heading South all the way to the G109 and then back on the X210 and back to the start point via the southern road again (you get to do the fast descent twice!).

B riders do the big loop anti-clockwise.

C do a smaller loop with a lot of climbing. It's one of the best C routes with a proper loop and challenging climbs and descents.

Ride Registration