Serk Ride 20+21 – Death Valley Loop
The Serk staff are away in Tibet for the next two weekends (July 16 / 23). As a result there will be no supported rides with vans going into the mountains.
For those that are keen in riding still we’ve planned a route for you and can facilitate a group chat to make it easier to coordinate. The ride will start at Serk and do a 100km loop into the mountains. It is suitable for Intermediate and up. There is no charge for the ride and no support from Serk. See the route below. Please sign up and we will add you to a group chat.
The ride route is the same for Saturday 16th and Saturday 23rd.
Please note : due to changes in how wechat links to external webpages we have added an additional step in the sign up process. You will now need to input a valid email address. When you hit the submit button you should see the following message ” Your message has been sent, thank you” AND receive an email with confirmation. If you do not receive the message or an email your registration did not go through. Please check that you filled all the form out or it will be rejected. If it still doesn’t work send us a message on we chat.
Departure Time : 06.00 Serk.
1. Intermediate / Elite – Approx 100km 1000m Climbing Approx 568m
Ride starts at Serk and heads out North on Ansi Lu. After 35km or so you’ll hit the mountain loop. It has one short climb and then its down hill through “death valley” and back to the city. This ride is free and not supported.
Average Speed : 20 km/h – 30 km/h
Every rider is required to read and accept this waiver by clicking on “yes” in the form above before participating in a Serk Ride.
Once you have signed up for the ride we will add you to special group chat for the Saturday ride. Here you will be able to see which of your friends have already signed up plus we will release the route GPX files and detailed route instructions here. During the ride we will use this group for communication and also its the place you can share photos post ride. If you haven’t been added to the group make sure that you have added the Serk Admin account (QR code below)