
Ride 1


Spring Zing


Serk Cycling Beijing


A : 111km
B : 88km
C : 55km


A : 1400m
B : 1047m
C : 0663m


A : 3/5
B : 3/5
C : 2/5


Saturday Mar 3
Sign in/Coffee : 07:00
Depart Serk : 07:30
Arrive Start : 08:30
Return Earliest : 13:30
Return Latest : 15:30


Chang Ping

First ride of the year ! It's close to the city so that means short transit times. If you'd like a bit of extra training you could also ride out to the start point (approx 35km from Serk) in the morning but you might be a bit chilly...

The ride starts at the Jingzhihu Resort North of the City. A and B riders travel along the Huaichang road to ChangPing and turn right for a half loop around the Ming Tombs Reservoir before heading towards Baimiao and then back via The Silver Pagodas and Death Valley. The A riders will do an extra climb up to Mangshan early in the ride. It's a nice concrete climb with nice views across the city. But bumpy on the way down so take it easy.

C riders will ride directly to Silver Pagodas and hope they can sneak through the entrance gate to get a view up close of the iconic structures. C will then travel back the same route as A and B through Death Valley. Don't let the name put you off though - its a great stretch of new road without much traffic and a perfect way to finish the ride.

If you still haven't signed up for a pass yet all the detail is here.

Ride Full - Join us next week!