
Ride 40

Last Hurrah

Miyun North Easy Loops

Serk Cycling Beijing


A : 114km Approx
B : 094km Approx
C : 046km Approx


A : 1000m
B : 800m
C : 600m


A : 3/5
B : 3/5
C : 2/5


Saturday Nov 24
Check-in : 07:00
Depart Serk : 07:30
Arrive Start : 09:00
Return Earliest : 14:00
Return Latest : 15:30



Last official ride of the year! We will need to the border of Miyun and Hebei where the roads are relatively flat and therefore a little warmer. We don’t often ride these roads because of the lack of hills so come out and try this less ridden area if you haven’t tried it before. The route will be similar to shown below but with a different starting and ending point to reduce the travel time.

Ride Registration