
Mar 6th – Time Trial Test 1

On Sunday morning its time to bust out the aero wheels, TT bars and skin suits – its Time Trial time.
Throughout the year we will run a time trial on the first Sunday of each month – test your fitness, challenge your mates, practice your technique. Serk will provide the timing and publish the results each month on our website. For a bit of fun we’ll have a small podium for the winners complete with podium girls (Liman) and boys (Shannon). At the end of the year we will offer a  trophy for the fastest male and female times ridden at the event.
Categories :
Male / Female TT bike
Male / Female Road bike
Male / Female over 45
Schedule :
07.45 Meet at Serk and load bikes
08.00 Depart
09.00 Arrive TT start – unload / warm up
09.30 TT start – 30 second intervals
10.30 – 11.00 Riders finish
11.15 Ranking and podium presentation
11.30 Depart
12.45 Arrive back at Serk
Course :
42km rolling terrain.
Location :
The start location is around 50km from Serk or 30km from Shunyi so you can ride to the start as a warm up. See map above

Transport :
Serk will organise transport from the shop to and from the start / finish location.
All riders are required to fill the form below (including self drive) by Friday morning.
* indicates required field

Every rider is required to read and accept this waiver by clicking on “yes” in the form above before participating in a Serk Ride.
Self-drive / Self-ride  50 rmb
Serk Transport 350 rmb or ride pass
If you have already signed up for a multi-ride pass you don’t need make any additional payment for this ride. If you haven’t please pre-pay your ride to book your seat. Our vehicles have limited seats so preference first goes to multi-ride pass holders and then those that pre-pay the 1 ride pass.
To pre-pay on Wechat please extract the following QR Code by pressing on it using your smartphone and then select “Extract QR code” You will be taken to a we chat payment page to make the 350 RMB payment.

For self-drive or self-ride please extract the following QR Code by pressing on it using your smartphone and then select “Extract QR code” You will be taken to a we chat payment page to make the 50 RMB payment.
Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy
Please read our Cancellation / Refund AQI Policy Carefully here.